Data trends that will shape 2020

Every year, we look ahead to understand the major trends shaping the future of analytics and the way people work with data. Here’s a snapshot of the six major data trends we see driving analytics impact for organisations this year.

We believe in the power of data. Advancements in technology are creating so many possibilities, and we see more people than ever enjoying better, widespread access to data that they’re putting to good use.

Every year, we look ahead to understand the major trends shaping the future of analytics and the way people work with data. And every year, we see interesting clues to our evolving relationship with data and its use to improve the world around us. We see organisations getting smarter in how they use technology to empower their workforces and set up collaboration between their technical experts. Cultural shifts are changing how organisations learn to use data more effectively, as they also examine how responsible they are in that use. And we see data being used at the personal and organisational level to uncover and address inequities.

With the right mindset, tools and processes, data can permeate all aspects of business. Here’s a snapshot of the six major data trends we see driving analytics impact for organisations this year:

  1. Data literacy: Organisations look to academia as a data literacy incubator
  2. Artificial intelligence: AI moves from abstract to actionable
  3. Data storytelling: Personalised data stories go mainstream
  4. Data equity: Transparency around workplace data leads to equity and organisational success
  5. Data culture: Accountability for data stretches across the C-suite
  6. Data management: Data integration is the catalyst for IT business harmony

To dive in and learn more about the thinking, research and customer stories behind each of the trends, read the full 2020 Data Trends report.

Sign up for the webinar to hear experts talk about how these trends will impact organisations in 2020 and beyond.